Summerset Grills Logo

Summerset Grills is an outdoor grill company located in Hun- tington Beach, CA that designs and manufactures high-end per- formance grills, custom islands, fire pits, storage solutions, and accessories. Bringing innovation and passion for grilling and out- door living, they are distributed nationwide and their flagship store is located in Irvine, CA.

Summerset Grills Case Study


Summerset has been setting trends since, as a growing player in the rising popularity of outdoor kitchen solutions. When they came to us, they wanted to expand their online presence and eCommerce. They knew they had quality innovative products, and wanted to expand their brand through redesign and dynamic content.


We approached the redesign from a marketing viewpoint to identify a problem their customers had, highlight it, and offer the solution. The use of black and white, high-contrast photos adds drama and intensity to the simplified brand-script. The structure of the website and the demands of the eCommerce made Shopify the perfect fit. We crafted a fully responsive site on Shopify, loaded with powerful photo effects, intuitive navigation, and an engaging flow to guide visitors through their product offerings.

Summerset Grills Digital Laptop
Summerset Grill Mood Board
Summerset Grills Mobile Design